Welcome to Oven Bytes
A place where you can find some quick and easy recipes, cake decorating tutorials and some fun cake ideas!
Read some of my latest posts below:
zomato/instagram/fb/twitter: radiopalrjtalz There is something called passion and zeal, Oven Bytes not only bakes but adds their creative streak into it. I have tried their various cakes and choco pops. You can feel the freshness in every bite. Being a food blogger and reviewer, I have had several cakes throughout my lifetime, and not much of a difference. Some are infact just a one time eat. Now there are some foods that you eat to satisfy your taste buds, and they are so tempting that you ditch your diet plans and eat it to the threshold of making it a cheat day. The same incident has happened to me with oven bytes. You dont wish to share, and there is an optimum level of ingredients perfectly baked and put together that makes your cravings insatiable! Thanks for this yummy experience. I rate Oven Bytes as 5/5 on my ohhsometer 🙂