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How to Make a Fondant Bow without any specific tools

This simple and quick bow is great for a cake or cupcake. You can wary the size as per your base. To watch the full video of how I made this, please see below.
Total Time1 hr
Author: aanchal.jain


  • Rolling Pin
  • Pizza Cutter
  • Sharp Knife
  • A Ruler
  • A Paintbrush
  • Two pieces of plastic or tissue


  • 150 grams Fondant in your choice of colour
  • 2-3 tbsp cornflour
  • 1 tbsp water


  • Soften the fondant by kneading it for a few minutes till its soft and easy to handle.
  • Roll out the fondant into a long rectangle, doesn’t have to exact using a rolling pin. The fondant should be 1 millimetre or so thick. If you don’t have a rolling pin, use a bottle.
  • Cut a strip of fondant, 4 cm wide and 16 to 18 cm in length. Also cut three more strips of fondant, 2 cm wide and 7 cm in length.
  • Take the largest strip and fold it in half. Pinch it slightly at the middle to mark the middle.
  • Now take the plastic/tissue and roll it like a cigar. Place the plastic in the middle half of the ribbon and fold the fondant over it. Similarly, do it on the other side as well. Using a bit of water stick the fondant to itself in the middle. Use a paintbrush or your finger to do so with very little water.
  • Using your fingers pinch the middle of the bow to itself.
  • Now using one of the smaller strips, fold over the pinched part of the bow and close the seam at the back, again using some water.
  • With the remaining two strips, cut out a small triangle at the bottom of each. Place these to strips on top of each at an angle and stick the bow on top again using some water.
  • Dry this overnight or till it hardens (can take a couple of days too) and then remove the plastic in between the fondant.
